About Lord Game Over

Profile of a scammer

Welcome to my blog everyone. Over the last few months I have come to realize that fake spell scams on the internet has become a multimillion dollar business. Anyone with a computer can prey on the desperate and those in need. I have seen people getting scammed because they are trying to find a job to improve economic situations, spells to get lost love back and spells to cure illnesses. I have read some of the most bizarre stories on line about people getting their hear desire because of a spell caster. Look deep inside yourself when you read these stories and ask yourself are these people here to help me or deceive me? Your gut feeling does not lie. Let’s work together to put these people out of business. If you took your auto to a shop and the mechanic told you that you need to pay before he fixes your carwould you? Well the same applies when seeking any service. You pay after the services have been received. In spell casting they promise results so no results means no payment.  Also while the majority of scammers are located in Nigeria, they also have a significant amount of scammers in the USA and other parts of the world to include Canada, iceland, UK and so on.

Below is a partial list of tricks that fake spell casters use to get your money..ie confidence scam:

  1. You do not have to pay unless you get results but send money western union, pay pal or money gram  for materials.
  2. You do not have to send any money but I need you to buy the materials and send to me. The list often includes live animals and things they
    know you cannot gain access to.
  3. Send the money to a local store in their country and they will go by and pick up the materials


  1. netsanet (nati) Said:

    i like ur site have u heard abt dr gavin tradional spirtual healear and dr abdulkalim the two r south african

    • lordgameover Said:

      Never heard of them. So far every person from Africa anyone has tried have turned out to be a huge scam. Rule to follow…No Results means no money. How can anyone do business with no money. Why do they expect people to trust them with no evidence of who they are or anything to support the claim they make. I can say i’m a spell caster and ask people to send me money. I know they will if I lie to them and tell them I can solve all their problems…at least that is what they all say right! Be wise. No results means no money!

    • martynas Said:

      hello lord game over,io was wondering what is our email cuase i see ou have real thing up here,if ou dont mind i just wawanted to write to ou very shortly and neatly just to get to know more about his speal casting etc.


    • lordgameover Said:

      @netsanet I don’t recommend any spell caster in Africa. 100% of the time so far they have all been fake. If I happen to come across a real spell caster in Africa I will post it here. I would not encourage anyone to use any caster from Africa unless you know them. I am also not interested in researching any caster from Africa, but thanks for posting the name here and I will advise anyone visiting my blog not to look any further at the caster referenced.

      • martynas Said:

        i dont trust the either,bags of trix:/

      • Mia Said:

        Yeah i been scam too

      • lordgameover Said:

        MIA, don’t feel bad it happened to all of us. I spent a lot of years being scammed before I figured out what was happening. I lost over 15K, I lost track after a while or maybe I just stopped counting.

    • denice Said:

      Hi, Can you comment on Tish from Premium Love spells? I have been working with her 2 months. she emails everyday says it WILL happen and I WILL be very happy but I am starting to think BS I spent intial 70.00 then 45.00 for a soaded reading which none of it’s manifested yet. and then 90.00 for some rainborw thing with energy. She creates, enormous and very creative emails. Please any help I would truly be appreciative.


    • Denice Said:

      Hi, I have been working with Tish from premium love spells it’s been 2 months and no results whatso ever.. I paid the initial 70.00 had a soaked reading she called it 45.00 full of nonsense that hasn’t happened… and 90.00 for a rainbor energy something. she creates enormous and imagintive emails to tell you what she’s doing. she gets defensive when I ask when might something happen? or why hasn’t anything occured? thanks for your help

      ANSWER: I know of people who have been waiting in excess of 1 year for the results she promised. I think she does the work but her claims of success is misleading.

  2. Rimo Said:

    Do you happen to know any spell caster in Egypt.

    • lordgameover Said:

      No I do not…sorry. I test a lot of spell casters and unfortunately 90% of them are fake that are email only spell casters and the others who have websites…most of those are fake as well.

  3. Rimo Said:

    Also could you please give us feedback ,on your friend who is working withhttp://www.blackmagicvoodoospells.com ,if he
    received the results he was asking for ?? Grateful for your help.

  4. harris Said:

    You have mentioned at few places that you worked with neithe demiscus. voodoo priest. do you know whether anyone has had any success with him? he is expensive so i was wondering.

    • lordgameover Said:

      I know of one person who reported they had success. most people do not come back after they receive results to update. So far I have not had a single person ever say they were taken advantage of by this caster. So I don’t know all the answers again I strongly suggest you ask the caster. He is a very honest man and he will not make fake claims about guaranteed results. Working with spells never has any guaranteed results associated.

  5. harris Said:

    i would appreciate a reponse to this. as alot of my money, not just money but faith would be at stake. please let me know if you know alot of people have used him and or any success? only research clearly justifies his existence, honesty and legimacy, however success rate is what will matter in the end. thanks.

    • lordgameover Said:

      Unfortunately, I do not know all his clients. You can direct the questions directly to the caster and do not be afraid to ask for references. I mearly provide a list of casters that are real and I leave it up to the clients to ask casters questions about success rates, prices and situations, therefore simply ask the caster what his success rate is for the particular spell you are requesting. I shared that my spell work with him was not successful, but at the same time, I did a lot of things that could have been factors as to why my spell was not successful. I suggest you contact all the casters and interview each one and select the one you feel you are most comfortable with.

  6. harris Said:

    dear, thank you for the insight. did research on the entire list. before i move forward, any final comments on hector salva, another chao on your list?

  7. shana Said:

    hi lgo!
    i was wondering how did you find sisterwitch.com? just curious because i’m working with them aswell as robin but my work starts next week

    • lordgameover Said:

      The same way I found all the other real spell casters. Either I have found them on my own or someone else looking for a spell caster found them. When somone else finds the caster, I usually test the caster myself to see if they are who they say they are. I often order a spell, see what I get in return. I have ordered spells from others who are not on my list as they have not provided sufficient information for me to determine if they are real or not. In those cases, I do not list them as a fake caster nor will I list them as a real caster.

      I was very pleased with sisterwitches and Robin. Not everyone who have used either caster received results if you were wondering.

      • shana Said:

        thanks for such a fast response and i’ve already began to see little results from robins spells well atleast me and my target are talking again and i already know that if they are on your site that they are real, i just wanted to use 2 at the same time to get extradinary results because the work the sisters want me to do lets me know that they are the truth so thanks for posting them on your site and i will make sure i let you know what happens with my results that i’m sure i’m going to get.

  8. yvel Said:

    Thank you LGO for making time to make sure the scammers are know to all, you can add magicoflovespells.com – jessehughes101@hotmail.com he claims to do first spell pay after then does another because first didn’t work, when second spell doesn’t work he asks for money to do third spell because the law of spells is to make a sacrifice….. why didn’t he say that from the begining?? if his first 2 spells didn’t work why would the third spell manifest, his answer because its a powerful spell hmmmmm also his bio & John Newman are almost identical, i did everything he told me to do & nothing that he said would happened did.

    • lordgameover Said:

      so we have two more scammers on the scene. Thank you for the information. One way or another the spell scam business must come to a fatal end!



      • yvel Said:

        LGO i want to add that it was over 4 months in which this took place just to be fair because i realize it takes time & that’s what scammers pray on…..

      • lordgameover Said:

        They do like to string people along hoping that something will happen so they can take credit. Spells do take time however the money request for a bigger and more powerful spell is big lie. I got pulled into that crap many years ago and now I am here to tell people they are just playing on your emotions. Sometimes its best to just move on and find new love because your lover is not coming back if you use thes con men pretending to be spell casters. So many have all sworn to cast a spell on me for what I am doing…as you can see i’m shaking in my boots …Lol. If they were really spell casters I should be dead by now right?

  9. yvel Said:

    os meant prey on…..

  10. harris Said:

    lord game over. just started working with houngan hector actually already…..the ritual starts soon so i will keep everyone posted. what do you think about him? even though its a little too late..?? 🙂

    • lordgameover Said:

      Hector is a nice man. I have nothing bad to say about him. One gentleman wrote to say he was working with Hector and Robin the witch at the same time. He got his results but did not know which one to credit. This is the way I see it…at least he was working with two people that were actually doing the work. Good luck and do let me know what happens. Remember to keep your spell details to yourself and have lots of faith in the work being done.

    • lordgameover Said:

      I trust Hector 100%. He will do the work he says he will do on your behalf. Do not doubt the work being done. Results come faster from knowing what you have asked for will be received. And for all you fake spell casters watching this blog, I notice you like to repeat what I say when you are trying to scam people.

  11. harris Said:

    thank you. ofcourse i will let you know eitherway whenever that happens. thank you. ur blogs been really helpful.. truely appreciate it… whats robins website.. just wanted to take a look and see how it is..

  12. martynas Said:

    oh and i have forgotten,i have ordered some stuff from doktor snake and maybe you know anything about http://www.blackmagicspells.co.uk causeit seems to me a gu hes not very firendl in answering thequestions,theservicesare quite expensive but..any thoughts??

    • lordgameover Said:

      I do not trust him and have received lots of complaints about him. As you can see he is not on my list. He may be real, but some real casters have been know to scam people also. I think it all boils down to greed.

      • harris Said:

        Very important question? People can also answer but i would ofcourse like lordgameovers response to it. After reading peoples comments and working. When people say that for more effective and powerful. Results, they are using two of three casters, what impact can thaat have on the work. It makes it stronger or weaker. Conflict of energies or vibration. so if we take that as an example and i select 6 people out of this list to cast the spell, what happens? Sorry i am only askingg cus i am interested in doing so ,not thaat i have aany lesss faith inn the caster i ve used or am using,n but want to use to make it morre effective. Regards, any suggestions will be helpful.

  13. moses Said:

    I am using 5 spell casters. Including Robin as suggested by Lord. No results yet pased one month and more, still waiting for results. All casters i got were from Ebay.
    I will certianly update if results do come.

    • lordgameover Said:

      Moses, I provide a list of casters who I am certain will do the work you paid for. On the list I will not recommend one caster over the other and I cannot tell you who will get you results. I receive messages from individuals who have gotten results from a caster on the list and messages from some who have used the same casters with no results at all. I hope that you will see the results you are seeking soon. For those who have not seen the list I am posting it below.

      Below is the complete list of spell casters that I am 100% certain are real and will do the work you paid for. Regardless, they all have unique personalities so be certain to pick a caster that will fit your personality. I am always trying to find more but it is not an easy task at all. As to the question on who can get you results that is a discussion for the caster. Only fake spell casters will tell you that you will get results in a couple of weeks. All I am doing is providing a list of real casters as I find them in an effort to put the fake ones out of business.

      1.. http://www.deaconmillett.com – nice guy will do the work you paid for

      2. http://www.molochsorcery.com confirmed 100% real. Slow to respond to emails, requires you to have a great deal of patience, he is extremely detailed in his work.

      3. http://www.orishaashe.com Very nice lady, but extremely busy since the word got out about a successful love spell she did. She has more clients than you knows what to do with

      4. Conjureman Ali – http://www.theconjureman.com takes his work very seriously

      5.www.sisterwitch.com – cheap spells and the work they do is very intense

      6. http://www.jackiebarrett.com – super nice lady easy to speak with

      7. http://www.lifespiritssocietyofmagick.com/index.html Robin the witch, nice lady, but has gotten busy as well. Customer service is not what it use to be.

      8. http://www.angelfire.com/la2/starlingbooks/ You can call the number listed on the site as I will not list her personal information here. She is a nice lady, not quick to respond to emails or phone calls but eventually gets around to it.

      9. http://www.msangelrose.com – real but have mixed feeling on customer service

      10. http://www.mypapillonvert.com – Super nice guy, will stay with you till the bitter end.

      11. http://www.ezilikonnen.com – nice guy also (hougan Hector)

      12. http://www.soulmindbody.net/store this lady is very interesting. She is also very detailed in her workings.

      13. http://www.blackmagicvoodoospells.com – Know of a guy that used him. The spell was not successful but he did the work

      14. http://milagroroots.com – just know she is real

      15. http://www.santeropalero.com – will do the work, really nice man, do not know about his success rate.

  14. yvel Said:

    LGO, i would like to add that after doing some research iv come to realize that not all spells work, that doesn’t mean that a spell caster is a scammer, wasn’t aware of this when i posted my comment about jessehughes101@hotmail.com magicoflovspells.com, to be fair i left out that he spent alot of time on my case, did 2 free spells (which i thought was to string me along) always responded to my emails & messages, i felt that continuing would serve no purpose since i hadn’t seen any results & it was time for me to move on maybe in my case it wasn’t meant to be….i wanted you to know that today i received a full refund from him for the 1 spell i paid even though he didn’t have to because it was passed the 45 day time frame to dispute payment on pay pal, that shows me that i was wrong in my initial post. if he wanted to scam me he would have kept my money he didn’t 🙂

  15. David Said:

    Im trying to contact Hector, but everytime I go onto the his website and click on contact it says ,OPPs THIS PAGE CAN’T BE FOUND . Someone that has worked with him please can you give me an email address. Thank you.

  16. Richdude1234 Said:

    To the person that said, Jesse from http://www.magicoflovespells.com is a scammer, I will stand for him. He is such a friendly guy always willing to help.

    He casted a spell for me about 3months ago and it’s manifested itself about a week ago, my ex boyfriend came back to me. I think his spells take to longe to manifest and maybe that is why you think he was out to scam you, but he is no scammer, I’m not saying he is the best in the world, but he sure has a gift.

    Richard Gaffney

    • lordgameover Said:

      I decided to approve this comment. Here we have someone making an effort to promote a pell caster that has a lot of bad things being said about him. This caster said he was oon the Opra show but cannot provide any proof that he was. I have received two post about this caster both from the same IP address but different names? yes a huge red flag. I do not support the caster that this message is being posted about. Look at the comments on the website from past clients…obviously fake comments. I cannot say 100% this caster is fake because I have not tested him, however all the signs lead to him just being just another scammer. He may be a nice guy but his story I forund on another website also. Proceed at your own risk. If I find that he is real, I will add his name to the list of real casters. Until then, I say again proceed at your own risk!

  17. Ash911 Said:

    I think you should say sorry to Jesse from http://www.magicoflovespells.com , He did a spell for me and my ex Girlfriend loves me again and it was all done in two weeks.So to me he is my hero .

    • lordgameover Said:

      Let me work on this and get back to you.

    • lordgameover Said:

      So what am I supposed to say sorry for? I am glad this potential scammer was able to get you results. Never post on a blog that is against scammers. Did you not read that I actually test spell casters? Your caster claims to be on TV shows, says he lives in the USA…neither was true. So why will he not submit proof of the show he was on? Why did he lie about his location? I approved your post so others can see how scammers operate. This is the wron blog to ost on unless you can provide proof of the work of your successful spell…if you can’t then I suggest you shut your pie hole and move on with your lies to another blog…am I loud and clear!

  18. Karyn Said:

    Your blog is helping many people. Just wanted to say thank you!

    • lordgameover Said:

      Thank you! We can all do our part to keep scammers from causing more hurt in the lives of those already in pain.

  19. Wondering Said:

    Hi!Ever heard of Abigail Christensen of http://www.secretwitchcraft.com?She seemed so sincere on her website.Is she real or one of the fake scammers?

    • lordgameover Said:

      They all seem real and sincere. I have never heard of the caster you mentioned. Keep in mind a lot of the casters have several websites and will use several names. Just a way for them to keep scamming the same people over and over again. I have no plans to test the caster mentioned as the website did not impress me at all.

  20. Wondering Said:

    Just to add though,her prices are vry high.The spell she recommended cost about $450 and the least cost $259.She says she only takes 2 clients per week

    • lordgameover Said:

      That is a lot of money> I would not personally use the caster you are speaking about. The site looks very fake to me.

  21. Renay Said:

    Hi! I was just wondering if you knew if http://www.santeropalero.com/ took on customers from outside USA. I have tried emailing but haven’t had any answers back. Just though that as you had perhaps been in contact with them you might know.

    • lordgameover Said:

      Yes, I do. I used him and had no results at all. He is real and does do the work. He is also on my list of real spell casters.

      • Renay Said:

        Thanks for the reply, the list is actually where I saw them. But how do I then use them as to pay for there services you have to put your address and they only list addresses inside USA ? Any suggestions ?

      • lordgameover Said:

        Renay…I am not sure what each casters policy is for payment. That is a question that should be directed to the caster.

  22. martynas Said:

    I paid to robin already and i know and i feel that things going to happen,just go for Robin and never mid other casters:)

    • lordgameover Said:

      Robin is a wonderful person. She does do the work. She is extremely busy and sometimes she takes a while to respond to email messages but she will recast spells at no charge if your spell does not work. Faith in the work being done is very important. Also after the spell has been cast do not bother the other person and give the magick time to work. Spells can work in two weeks but no honest spell caster will tell you that they can gurantee you results in 2 week.

      • martynas Said:

        well i know shes honest to me and for everybody and im gonna be patient til the end cause i feel that her cast will rerally work and shes probably one and only person who lets sya already saved my life;)

  23. hi lordgameover! I was just wondering how else I can message you. Anyways im literally crying while writing this. I have been scammed by many spell casters as well, and feel like giving up on everything since i cant get any help. I get doubts to try hector but then something is telling me to give him a try he just might be the one to really help me. I know he is very expensive thats why I get alot of doubts. But then again Im doing this for the person I truly love with all my heart and soul and want him to start dating me. Hectors reading do seem very accurate and maybe a thing or two wont make sense but oh well. I also heard people who got scammed by many but real results by hector so its more convincing for me to give him a try. He turns people down if he cant help them and he says he takes 9 days to cast the spell, wow. Can you please tell me if you heard of any success stories from people you know who got spells cast by hector? this is very important to me because Im thinking giving him $921 for a love ritual. thats way too expensive i know omgg 😦 . I already sent him a dirty underwear and dirty sock lol. I hope to hear from you soon, thanks,

    • lordgameover Said:

      @sunshine I do know of people who have had success with Hector, I also know of people who have had no results with him as well. you can email me at lordgameover@rocketmail.com.

      • harris Said:

        sunshine, we started using hector at the same time, i would like to know about what ur status is and likewise share some, which will be helpful to both of as to what to expect as i feel that our request is the same., i did start a month before you, if you could email me on harris.kayum@gmail.com, that would be great!!!

  24. rimo Said:

    Dear Lordgameover,if i were to choose a the strongest spell caster with the fastest result for extreme complicated love case ,who would you recommend,

  25. harris Said:

    dear lgo, whats ur take on this man.. all over news lol in uk specifically if you search his name and all and type daily star dr snake voodoo etc…which i think is a scottish news paper


    • lordgameover Said:

      Harris, I have never used that caster but I have had lots of complaints from people who have over the past couple of years. He takes your money and you will get nothing in return.

  26. anno Said:

    im gonna find out if hes real at all in 2-3 months,cause his spell i paid for didnt work but he promised me from today to recast it and he told me its free of charge,but in any case he was answering my emails etc and was quite helpfull,so patience well see is he is that real..

    • lordgameover Said:

      Anno, lots of real spell casters recast for clients and still they do not get results. I have to remind everyone, be sure you get a good reading about your situation before undertaking spell work. i normally do not recommend any one, however the two best readers I have come across who will tell you the truth about your situation is yaya marie and conjureman Ali. Be prepared to hear what you may not want to hear if you go down that path. I cannot think of a single person who has had readings from either of these casters that proceeded with spell work and got results. Magick can only do so much unfortunately.

      • moses Said:

        Dear Lord can you provide me email address of the above 2 readers or the website?

      • lordgameover Said:

        They are both listed on the page of real spell casters. Both have a method for you to contact them from their website. I do not advise anyone to share email addresses of casters on a public forum because the fake casters will spam them.

  27. harris Said:

    sunshine lady.. whats ur update on hector

  28. Monica Said:

    what about this site: http://www.spsreviewforum.com, can you trust what people say there?, i read a some scam reports about them.

    • lordgameover Said:

      Monica, Absolutely! I look into that forum often to see what is going on. It’s a great place to find out what is going on with spell casters real or fake.

  29. jacob Said:

    I would like to warn people about one drmoosa in capetown he is a cheat,he has scammed alot of poeple and l think those who have experince this will tell you that he asks for outrageous amounts,like R15000,so that you can be a millionare in two days he works along side one maama zulia they are terrible people and they come from uganda in east africa?they have scammed millions be warned.
    this are just a few of his many website,he even has a radio interview on his website,he should do one and tell people why he is cheating his licence should be taken from him he is on facebook and twitter and many other site l urge al who have been scammed by him to come forward.and condemn his antics so that people can avoid this.

    • lordgameover Said:

      Jacob, I am well aware that Dr Moosa is a scam. He will go as far as to make threats if you do not pay more money. I saw your other post about the other caster in South Africa. To date not a single caster that anyone has referred to me has returned any results for anyone, has alwaysw asked for more money and left the client high and dry if they refuse to pay. I do not recommend anyone you use any caster in Africa unless you can go and see the person do the work. For those reasons I will not approve your secondpost. If anyone would like to email me to discuss this further my email is lordgameover@rocketmail.com.

  30. Krystal Said:

    Have u heard anything positive abt Rev.Severina?

  31. Curious Said:

    Hi lord game over, I was wondering if you have heard anything about lovespellstoday.com I have started dealing with them but have stopped short of paying them. I was just after your opinion on it. Thanks

  32. moses Said:

    Hi Lord

    Just found this http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/wwworishaashecom-c576980.html

    This spell caster is in your real one list. please check


    • lordgameover Said:

      Moses…yes I am aware that Yaya is on the complaint board. Just a scammer that tried to bring her down. I also receive email from scammers saying that she is in jail. So exactly what point are you trying to make here? The list of casters I have are all real and will do the work you paid for. Some are better than others, but it is up to the client to decide which caster on the list if any will work best for him or her.

    • lordgameover Said:

      Moses, I am aware of the complain on YAYA. I can assure you she is not fake. Just a scammer posting false information about her.

  33. vampkittyvv Said:

    Hey! I was wondering if you have used alot of the rootworkers from luckymojo. Do you know anyone who got results from Balthazar or dr e… Since I’m considering using them.

    • lordgameover Said:

      If it were me I would use Conjure Man Ali. That is the only rootworker from Lucky Mojo I would consider.

      • lordgameover Said:

        I received the followin message and was asked to alert others so here it is.

        Can you please put Donkbaba@gmail.com on your list of Fake Spell Casters in Bold. He took my cash, told me that if anyone opens my parcel that. The person the spell is for will die. Did not tell me he put a time limit on my spell of only 18 hours. Then told me DHL wants me to pay £100 so that they don’t have to open the parcel. He told me to send them money if I want my parcel. He gave me no tracking I’d no and no contact person or any details at all.

        Scam Alert:


  34. Helpful Said:

    @lordgameover- I have used Hougan Hector before and he is the real deal he is a honest and ethical worker. I have used Conjureman Ali he is another honest and ethical worker, however beware because Conjure Man Ali is so honest and he is brutal. Conjure Man Ali cares about his clients. Also, Dr.E is good as well. And Miss Bri from Milagros Roots is good as well. As well as Elvyra Cururuto Love..

    @lordandgameover- Your site is excellent keep up the good work!

    • lordgameover Said:

      Helpful, I agree about Hougan Hector and Conjurman Ali is brutally honest for sure! I agree with your assessment of all the casters with the exception of Ms. Bri and Elvyra Cururuto. Ms. Bri tells people what they want to hear instead of what they need to hear, but I do beleive she does the work you pay for. As for Elvyra Cururuto, I have never heard of her nor have I had anyone report anything about her except for you. So that particular caster I will say if anyone decides to use her proceed with caution.

      • harris kayum Said:

        What happens if one honest and brutal man tells you its 90% percent doable in his divination but the other honest and brutal person thinks its out of question, no way in another words. 🙂 what do you then. (refering to helpfuls first two men, conjure ali and hector). What position does that leave a person. suggestions would be helpful by anyone

      • lordgameover Said:

        Harris…I am still blown away by this. I look forward to seeing if anyone else can offer some advice.

      • harris Said:

        lgo 🙂 now my mind is playing games with me. i am also looking foward to hearing from others, or lets look it from another perspective. does that mean spirits /guides are even so different and dont think alike 🙂 i would totally understand if one of them was not honest about it but i think there seems to be one agreement, that both are honest and ethical. thank you for your guidance so far, you have truely been helpful and supportive. I am atleast sure of onething, that i am dealing with real casters here thanks to you 🙂

      • lordgameover Said:

        Harris, as you can see I pissed Jackie Barnett off. I guess her assistant can’t figure out what this blog is about. And to think they are on my real casters list. I am glad that you were able to find someone that you can work with. Please let me know how things go. I want to be as open about casters…even real ones so people know what they can expect.

      • harris Said:

        message for jackie and some casters. i dont know lgo besides this website and i have seeked his assistance lately, but i assure you, that making a list of real casters to differentiate from fake ones have been a blessing to thousands of us, who have come to this blog. it has made life easier for so many of us including myself, who was lucky to find this blog earlier on before dropping hundreds or thousands on the hundreds of fake ones out there.

  35. moses Said:

    i wish to know if the reading by Conjurman Ali is 100% true. is there chances that he is wrong, has he always given 100% results? Please help

    • lordgameover Said:

      Moses, Conjureman Ali is a real caster! No real caster can promise 100% that you will get results. You are only deceiving yourself if you allow anyone to convince you otherwise. As energy changes so does the results. You need to focus on a caster that will monitor the work being don on your behalf. Once you find such a caster that works in that manner you will have a better chance of getting what you want. If the caster says the spirits said the spell will not work for your situation do not force the caster to take your case because you will not get results. I know a lot of people who went that route inncluding me and in the end we all ended up spending a lot of money and nothing to show for it. just some sound advice!

      • moses Said:

        Lord i was asking about his reading i forgot he does casting too. Does his reading always come true.?

      • lordgameover Said:

        Moses, I used him for a reading on somoeone else about 2 months ago. I was convinced he was crazy. Well on Sunday something he said that would happen did. What he says does not always happen right away but I have a feeling the rest of what he said would happen will…I see things moving in that direction…very suttle clues. It is interesting…lucky for me its not anything bad….does that answer your question.

      • Yurri Said:

        so if he decline a case we are hopeless and should just move on?

      • lordgameover Said:

        If a caster decline a case that just means the spirits they are working with cant or wont help you. Each caster has different views. Just because you apply for one job and you don’t get it does not mean you give up, you keep looking until you find the right one.

  36. harris Said:

    is this is the same or different to what you mentioned in your scam with (youtube), or this is someone else…

    • lordgameover Said:

      Harris, if a caster is on my list as a scammer its because more than one person has reported them or I have been scammed by them. I do not ever go back to that list to do anything but add new names as they are reported. So to that end, you will have to do the cross checking to ensure they are not one and the same. Scam busting is not an easy task.

    • Cat Said:

      I don’t have a youtube account. Or if I do, I don’t run it. Years ago someone claimed I was publishing video on youtube. I don’t own a video camera, so that might be rough.

  37. Jennifer Said:

    I had a contact me spell done by Robin and a binding spell done by sisterwitch.com 3 days ago and my ex contacted me today. Im very happy with both of those spell casters. Also I got impatient and paid for a spell by belovedspells.com yesterday. Gave them the info didnot hear back from them. I contacted them today to see if I could get another spell instead ofa return to me lover spell and they said they cast it yesterday. I wrote back to them and asked why they would cast a spell and not let their customer know when they did it. They didnt have much to say except oh it worked really quick I said it wouldnt work overnight. Not sure but think theyre another scam.

    • lordgameover Said:

      Jennifer, I also had spells that worked from sister witches and Robin. Robin’s contact me spell worked like a charm for me and sister witches not specific love spell worked for me. As for beloved spells, I do not think they are legit but I have never iused them and do not know of anyone else who has. Let me know what comes of it. One by one we will get the word out about these fakes.

      223344 S. 56th
      Omaha, Nebraska 68131
      United States

      Registered through: godaddy.com, inc. (http://www.godaddy.com)
      Domain Name: BELOVEDSPELLS.COM
      Created on: 26-Mar-11
      Expires on: 26-Mar-12
      Last Updated on: 26-Mar-11

      Administrative Contact:
      Ohlamn, T
      12233 S. 56th
      Omaha, Nebraska 68131
      United States
      (402) 730-4355 Fax —

      Technical Contact:
      Ohlman, T
      223344 S. 56th
      Omaha, Nebraska 68131
      United States
      (402) 730-4355

    • Yurri Said:

      you got pretty quick results i purchased those same spells and still nothing that was april 7th

  38. Jennifer Said:

    Well if belovedspells.com is legit they have crappy customer service. I would not recommend anyone to them. You would think they would have let me know when it would be cast or when it was done. Anyway thanks for posting the legit casters on here!

    • lordgameover Said:

      Jennifer, thanks for sharing. I should hope that others will stay away from them. All casters should let you know when your wok is done and how they think it went.

  39. greg Said:

    I was lgo if you could tell me about Alizon.psychic. secrets. A d also ashra i was on another forum but they told me to find your blog so i did hoping you can be of some assistance i just wanna be able to place my hard earned money into the hands of someone i can trust n not a scammer hope to hear from you thanks

    • lordgameover Said:

      I have said lots of times that Ashra is a huge scam! She was the first caster to scam me….she is quite a talker and will keep talking you into to buying more spells. The moment you tell her she cannot have anymore money she will stop talking to you. As for Alizon they are a scam as well, I have not use tem personally but I have had reports that they are a scam.

      • Jennifer Said:

        Ashra took my money and dipped out. Havent heard from her since.

      • lordgameover Said:

        Jennifer, Ashra is one of the biggest scammers still around. She is wicked!

  40. Optimistico Said:

    Ciao LGO! I recently read up on all the good work you and Karyn has been doing, thanks by the way! But I wanted to pass along some positive info for another caster not listed here. I’m currently using Robin and Amaylalifesbetter. Although I’ve seen no movements with the spells from Robin yet, I have with Amayla. I purchased the weightloss and slimmer waist from Amayla roughly 2 weeks ago, and has dropped 6 pounds since! I do work out regularly, but could’nt at all last week, however I still dropped 4lbs! Coincidence? Maybe! I’m not dieting either! I’ll definitely keep you posted on any additional weightloss! Have you had anyone else use her and get results?

    • lordgameover Said:

      Optimistico, thank you for sharing. I have visited the website and i have never heard of that caster nor do I know of anyoneone other than you who have used her services. Congratulations on the weightloss spell and I hope it continues to work out for you. Just so you know I do not just add casters to my recommended list. I eventually test them if they spak my interest. As long as they do the work, I report my findings. I have one caster that being tested right now, the caster started off real good but just all of a sudden fell off the map when it comes to customer service….it’s been 2 months and I have not decided yet if he is real or fake…its not an easy process.

  41. moses Said:

    Just read a comment by harris kayum ”
    What happens if one honest and brutal man tells you its 90% percent doable in his divination but the other honest and brutal person thinks its out of question, no way in another words. 🙂 what do you then. (refering to helpfuls first two men, conjure ali and hector). What position does that leave a person. suggestions would be helpful by anyone”

    well i wanted to ask same thing conjure ali said the spell will not work and Robin is working hard on it and is against conjure ali reading

    What do you say on that LGO?

    Whom to trust?

    • lordgameover Said:

      Moses…its not unusual. The way yaya explained it when I asked was her spirits guide her. So maybe the spirits that Ali works with just have a another point of view. You have to use your judgement. I was never faced with that situation, But if I were I am sure I would let my emotions decide instead of head. We do that when we want something and someone gives us hope. Both casters referenced are good and honest. Ali is a lot more brutal and Hector is a lot softer but both will tell you if your situation is hopeless if that is what the spirits show them. In this case it would appear that Hectors spirits think they can help…i’m not the expert so I would ask Hector the question since he is the one that said he can help.

      • Yurri Said:

        if counjour ali says the spells are out of the question for moses and will not work will his wiccan spells work?

    • harris Said:

      moses, hey there. i am glad i read this comment of yours, i have gotten readings from a bunch of people, and i do agree with what lgo has written underneath, i will suggest one thing but it will cost you money, which is get a reading from hector and hear what he says, whether he accepts it or not, conjure rejected my case as well, i wonder why. is yours complicated? well mine is. email me on harris.kayum@gmail.com if you wanted to discuss anything. btw i am also working with robin. See its simple alot of wiccan magicians / witches dont do consulation, hence accept every case and put in there very best. while these root workers and voudu priest or priestess consult spirits and based on what the spirirts say, say yes or no. so yea… i am feeling positive now, atleast somebody so powerful said he could work for me. 🙂

  42. moses Said:

    by the way read that Hector is good to can you give me the website link


    • Jennifer Said:

      I tried his link but the contact area is not working when I click on it. Does anyone have Hector’s email addy?

      • lordgameover Said:

        Jennifer, I sent you Hectors email address. Hope things work out for you with Tisha. i do not know much about her except that most people who work with her liked her. I have not seen any post about results, but it is not uncommon for a person not to report when they get results either. good Luck.

  43. Yurri Said:

    well I have spoken to a few casters and psychics recently and THEY all seemed to have different point of views. Hector told me I have a 75% chance but his own personal advice is to let things go. But he said this guy loves me want to be with me but he is to ashamed and scared to try working it out…….HELLO isnt that what spell casting is about?????? Jackie read for me and said she see me being with the guy and she would love to do the work for me. I am still waiting on Ali to contact me. I also contacted Sheloya who said this is duable but not until August since right now is the time most relationship implode. She said she can give me directions on doing it myself for a small fee. I have spoken to Robin she said she is a psychic and she does see this working in my favor. So it seems that everyone has their own opinions and views. I think that it really depends on the casters energy and your energy and faith. I dont know but I am in this until this time next year or until someone comes along and prove to me this gut is not the one.

    • lordgameover Said:

      Yurri, I wonder why Hector would say you have 75% chance and then tell you to let it go. Did you ask him? Sometimes casters will say things depends on what the spirits show them. Either way you stick with what your gut tells you and just don’t fall for the scammers. All the casters you mentioned are good casters by-the-way and most important is they are all real. Good luck and I hope you will get waht you are seeking.

      • Yurri Said:

        that floored me as well….what do you think of Rolland Halire? Conjour Ali and Hector had two completely reading for me and i sent them the same information. I guess their spirits saw something different. one said my target was dating the other one said he is not. they both agreed that he loves me and misses me and is ashamed how things happened. But regarding the situation they both had different feelings. Counjour said he would take the cast after august when things quite down for my target being that he has some issues going on that may be effecting things. and this will give time to see what takes place.IDK and CAT she is on your list she said since i have spoken to other casters she doesnt want to take the case. she said consulting to many people isnt good.

      • lordgameover Said:

        I like CAT! she is correct, consulting too many readers add to confusion. Its unfortunate that in order to find a caster that you feel will work best for your situation you should have a consultation in order to make an informed decision. It is not uncommon for casters to have conflicting views on a situation, trying to figure out which one is right is half the battle especially when both casters are good.

      • Yurri Said:

        oh and hector did say he would take my case but he felt with all the things going on i should let it go….maybe he is saying let it go until things quite down…but to be clear he did say he would take the case

      • yurri Said:

        So if its bad to get several consultations what do you do? And does wiccan spells work?

    • moses Said:

      You said Robin is a psychic but personally i have so many communications with her and also asked her to see if the spell is working but she never did a psychic reading for me.

      • Yurri Said:

        robin actually say that in her f&q’s that she is psychic….She hasnt done one for me either but she has one on her site i dont know how accurate she is or if she just says things to assist….but for me she gave dates that has come and gone and nothing

  44. Jennifer Said:

    I am also working with TISH from premiumlovespells.com

    • denice Said:

      How do you feel about her? I am working with her now 2 months. she send flowery emails but nothing has manifested.. spent some moeny with her. She gets condesending when you ask her what’s up why?
      thanks for any input

  45. moses Said:

    Hi LGO Jennifer just said about premiumlovespells.com are they genuine? they promise 100% results

    • lordgameover Said:

      Moses…oh gosh. I though it was another caster by the name of tisha. I did not see where they promised 100% results. I did see that the sie says All spells we perform are covered & backed by our FULL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE; which is based on CUSTOMER SATISFACTION! Either way, I personally would not use them. My gut tells me the site looks like one of those scam sites.

      • moses Said:

        Well they say that in the FAQ session that none of the cases ever failed

      • lordgameover Said:

        Moses, if that is what they said then that is a lie in my opinion. That is a red flag for sure. I cannot think of any real caster that has 100% success ever.

      • Jennifer Said:

        I am not sure yet, they do send me a detailed report of what is being done everyday. Tish responds quickly to all emails and directs me on how to handle things. Very nice to work with, we will see if it works out.

      • Yurri Said:

        ive been working with tish for awhile and she does update you but be careful because she will stop and you will have to contact her and then she will start up again. She just told me that i was the only client she hasnt had results but they are coming…..hmmmmm….. i did request a refund because things seems like she is leading people on giving false hope by her daily emails..she said she deserve to keep the money since she has done so much for my case and does so much daily…idk but i am glad to see someone else is working with her so we can see if she is real or a scammer

      • lordgameover Said:

        Yurri, do you have any idea how man casters use that same line…”you are the only client that have not gotten results”. I do not like the sound of that at all. I wonder if she will say the same think to Jennifer.

      • Yurri Said:

        i would say Tish and premiumlovespels.com is a scam…I had someone pretend to need her services and she went for it. My friend paid and low and behold she sent us the same exact emails for the last week!!! Our situations are so different. My friend asked for a refund and told her that she is sending everyone the same things and now my friend hasnt received not one email not even a rebuttal!!! I havent received anything since friday. However she will answer to my emails but not my friends. What she did say was these blogs are bogus and she dont know how anyone is trusting these kind of blogs and that was the last thing nothing else. I dont know what information you need for people to know not to use her but thats sounds like a scam to me.

    • Michelle Said:

      I started working with Tish back around May 13th. SHe guaranteed me that she would work hard and that she could help me. First thing she did was tell me to deactivate my Facebook account, which I did. She said that FB ruins spells. She was very good about the daily updates, although it seemed like overkill sometimes. The back around the middle of June I had not heard from her in about a week, so I requested my money back. She immediately responded and offered me a free reading. WHen I would ask about time, she would always just say focusing on time would ruin the spell. She was good with the updates again for a few days, but now it has been almost 3 weeks and nothing…..I’m pretty sure at this point she is a scammer.
      Within the last two weeks I have ordered from both Robin and Sisterwitch. Robin got in touch with me within 2 days, let me know when the spell would be cast and then followed up with me on the day she waid she would to let me know it was cast.
      Sisterwitch seems to be very thorough. I was sent a list of questions and given my own part to perform in the ritual. They gave me a specific date that they would be casting my spell based on the moon and gave me very specific instructions on what I needed to do on my end. I was given no promise of gauranteed results, which I understand. They also told me results could take up to 2 moon cycles to manifest. I am being patient and waiting to see if I get any results.

  46. Jennifer Said:

    I’m really trying to get a contact me spell from Robin but I never get an answer.

    • Yurri Said:

      jennifer i am also using tish is it possible for us to exchange emails i just want to make sure she isnt sending us the same daily update???? soblessedn206@yahoo.com

    • lordgameover Said:

      Jennifer, If you pay for the spell and send the information she will respond. Robin does do the work but she is not the best at communicating. I can only guess because her spells are so cheap that she is overwhelmed with emails.

      • Michelle Said:

        I think that Robin was having an issue with her email. I ordered a spell and she responded within 2 days. She told me when the spell would be cast and that she would let me know when it was complete on a specific day. She did follow up on that date as promised.

  47. moses Said:

    Do anyone had results with other caster after Ali rejected the case?

    • yurri Said:

      Good question……..
      Because my reading from him was way off from my situation. Maybe this person has changed a great deal…….my target idk but the Guy he described and situation sounds like someone else……….but……he didn’t decline my case he said things need to calm down. But I want to know that as well

      • harris Said:

        moses, did ali reject your case?

      • harris Said:

        Damn i am so dieing to hear this too haha. so if ali rejects your case, we dont bother or what trying to go to another caster haha. This is why we always say its good to stick to one pyschic or caster then running around gettting divinations, pyschic readings and what not done.outcome: Now hear 5 perspectives, and no sh/..t excuse my language, we get confused, unless all r right on target and say what we wish to hear., dont we wish that happens 🙂 highly unlikely

      • lordgameover Said:

        Harris, I agree getting too many readings is so bad. Find a reader that you like and stick with that reader. People need to stop jumping all over the place it only leade to confusion.

  48. harris Said:

    Dear LGO,
    just a little correction, i see you have added a bunch of new folks up in the list. if you click on your spell scam caster list 2, you have orginal ninja cat added there from long time ago. i think i even asked you somewhere up in the blog since she seemed legit. just letting you know so you can take her off the scam list i guess 🙂

    • lordgameover Said:

      Harris, That was a mistake on my part. She is very picky about who she works with.

    • Cat Said:

      You can leave me in both Game Over. Or you can put me in my own list… Legit,but bitchy. hehe. That would be better than a scam and bitchy. 😉 Whichever you prefer. I hate to say it but reading this site has been amusing and educational. Most spell scam sites are just scams themselves. Even the forums are terrible and often off base written by people who do not understand spellwork or by scammers themselves or the scammers populate the list and list scam sites. I actually liked this blog, even if you hated me. I don’t agree with all your points or even all the comments but I enjoyed reading it 🙂

      • lordgameover Said:

        Cat, you found us. My comments next to your name was not an insult but a compliment. Too often people seek casters to be friends, when they should focus on who will get the job done. You are brutal and will tell your client what is really up….I like your style.

  49. harris Said:

    Regarding hector, alot of people keep asking this, and lgo is a very busy person since hes helping out hundreds like us. hectors new website is greatestspells.net. you can find the email etc over there. they have recently moved there store, so even though the one in lgos list contains all the information on voudu and hector, it will not give you the contact page or description about his offerings. best of luck

  50. Yurri Said:

    So I just spoke to chris a caster on this site he said he doesnt believe Robin casted my work because he didnt see it in the divanation!!! NOW I am more confused because Hector didnt see it or didnt say he did and Ali didnt either. does that mean it wasnt done?????

    • lordgameover Said:

      I have seen my own spells cast and other casters have not been able to see the work. That statement does not carry a lot of weigh with me.

    • Renay Said:

      Hello, Just thought I would add a small point here. I added a comment a little while ago about a caster and the point is that they do the work. Well Robin has cast a few spells for me and I have had complete success with one and movement with two others. Please try to read her FAQ page and undestand that with her spells you also have to do some work and keep positive. Just a thought. I guess somes casters work for some and some don’t. But I really believe that Robin is real and does the work.

      • yurri Said:

        What spells did u get? I’ve been working with her for several months now with no movement or signs. And I’m very familiar with loa and yes I use it daily. And the spells I got days GUARNTEED TO WORK! AND THE SAY FAST AND QUICKLY……..so I’m not making this up. If its not going to work she should say this spell may not work for everyone.

      • lordgameover Said:

        yurri, I am sorry but I do not care who the caster is, even if the caster is on my list, its a lie if any caster tells you they can guarantee results.

  51. Amy Said:

    Dear Sir
    I needed help so like so Many I turned to spell casters to help me and guess who I used ASHRA, I’m new to this side of things and thought she was real. After reading and seeing that the spell had not done anything I emailed her back and asked for a refund she said that I will get it in 3-5 days while it’s been 3 months and I’m still waiting for my refund. She has called me in emails a stupid ass, bitch and a low life cunt, just because I keep on emailing her for my money.

    • lordgameover Said:

      Ashra will not refund your money. She is a huge scam. I don’t know why people keep using her with all the information on the internet about how she is a scam.

  52. meela Said:

    HI LGO,

    I really need ur help about love spells. i have worked with both Robin and Sister Witch for a love spell, but nothing manifested so far. i don’t know what to do now. Robin does not reply to emails promptly. who do u think i can contact for some honest work? pls pls help. thank u

    • lordgameover Said:


      Robin is extremely bad at responding to emails. She is a real caster but some casters don’t know how to say no to money. They get so busy they forget how important customer service is. With that said all the casters on my list are real, refer to the list and it is up to you who you decide to work with. I do not know which one can get you what you are seeking. Some of the casters are more expensive than others. I aonly work with one caster on that list now because I like the customer service.

      • moses Said:

        Meela if you can wait for few days i am working with a new caster and expecting results in few days. I have used robin too and unfortunately 4 months down the line no results.
        I will update my results as its expected in couple of weeks


  53. yurri Said:

    @Moses please do tell…I’m starting to think maybe some of these casters aren’t doing their Jon’s

  54. kit kat Said:

    LGO what caster are you working with right now that has great customer service?

  55. kit kat Said:

    Do you have a website to nettie? and who is this caster i hear ppl are getting results from called amayla?

    • lordgameover Said:

      You know now that you put your message in that context about Amayla, I think she is one of the casters Karen validated and I added her to my list. If I recall correctly she has gotten results for people who had weight loss spells.

  56. kit kat Said:

    Is amayla a legit caster? and is her and robin sharing the same website?

    • lordgameover Said:

      Kit Kat, I dont know about amayla although the name sound familiar. You would have to look at my list as I come across real casters and add them but if I have not used them myself I rarely remember the names.However I know Robin is real. Robin however has poor customer service. I have been receiving a lot of compalins about her not responding to emails. He spells are cheap so I am sure a lot of people order her spells. What is happening here is once a real caster has been identified everyone flocks to that caster and they get overworked and in my opinion they stop paying attention to detail.

  57. meela Said:

    Moses please do tell who she/he is. i really need help. LGO, is Nettie and Neite the same person. I was thinking of trying out Neite. What do u think?

    • lordgameover Said:

      Meela, I am partial to Netie so I would say absolutly you should try him. The problem I have with recommending a particular caster is just because that caster works for me does not mean you will have the same relationship. I use him because he has great customer service, he is serious about his work, he does not lie, and pays careful attention to his work. If he is doing work for you and something sifts you let him know and he takes care of it. Most people think casters actually have time to sit and monitor their work, when in fact the caster if they are good and care about what they are doing will ask clients to call if they see changes. As for the spelling of the name…they are the same person. I know i don’t spell his name correctly most of the time. So the choice is yours as I am bias to this particular caster.

    • moses Said:

      Meela please have patience, we end up spending lots if we loose it, that is what i have as an experience. Once i get results i will certainly update. I can give you the details but what if he is another scam? though i didnot find him advertising anywhere not did i find him in any scam list. Hopefully i will know the results in couple of weeks.



  58. infinity Said:

    Would you please help me with “realfastlovespells.com”? I am very sorry if I was not supposed to write down the web address. I really need your help; I would appreciate if you could help me with this. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    • lordgameover Said:

      Infinity..no problem with placing the website here. Sorry hun but they are scammers. So everyone here know realfastlovespells.com is a scam!

  59. kit kat Said:

    Has anyone else used conjureman ali, and has had there case taken. ?

    • lordgameover Said:

      Kit Kat…very few people. I stopped keeping track once I realized he does not joke around. He will actually try to encourage people to move on if he does not take your case.

  60. meela Said:

    Hi LGO, how do i contact Neite- pls email me his phone number if you can.

    Moses, any results so far? thanks to let us know!

    • moses Said:

      no dear nothing yet will update here as soon as some signs

    • lordgameover Said:

      Meela, I do not give out casters email address or phone numbers. I ask everyone to visit the casters website to contact them. His website is http://www.mypapillonvert.com

  61. infinity Said:

    Does any one know about this spell caster?
    I would appreciate if anyone could help. Thanks.

  62. Mia Said:

    Hi, I can see Robin is nice and friendly bases on her blog. But it doesn’t make a sense if she not trying to reply the customer service. 😦

    • infinity Said:

      Dear Mia, I feel the same way. I can understand one is being so busy and schedules your spell work for two or three weeks later; yet, when you don’t get answer to your emails, then you start feeling sad. You feel that no one cares about you any more. That is how I feel. I know she is a lovely woman, but I wish she answered the emails more often; at least a short one.

    • lordgameover Said:

      Mia, I completely agree. Customer service is very important. However we also have to understand that spell casters have many clients. Robin just bit off more than she could chew. It’s unfortunate because she is a lovely woman. I would not consider using her until she can get things under control again. When I used her she was not very busy which was good for me.

  63. moses Said:

    While i am still waiting for results i found soulmindbody.net very intresting she is not only interested in money, she gave me lot of knowledge and also said since this is Venus transist period no love spell will work. she also has many other options than love spells. I think its worth a try

    • lordgameover Said:

      Moses, casting spells in the proper moon or luniar phase is extremely important in my opinion. For example sister witches will tell clients what time frame is best suited for spells they will cast on your behalf. Lots of information on the www about the right times to cast spells. I encourage everyone to take some time to educate yourself. I wish I would have done that myself before I embarked on the world of Magick.

  64. harris Said:

    TO WHAT moses said right above, i am equally curious. perhaps this question can be answered by some of the casters instead as well, who i am sure view this blog and help us understand what this means. As to what i understand, does this mean, we cant cast a love spell period. This applies for how long. What does this even mean. why is that we didnt hear or hear about it when we were with all the casters but only one pointed it out. Please clarify. If a spell is casted, does that started having an affect after its casted or its null and void. help

    • lordgameover Said:

      Harris, You are correct, most of the casters good and bad are aware of this blog. I have receive good messages from them as well as bad messages from the scammers.

      • harris Said:

        yea saw some bad ones haha. which didnt make much sense. i think this blog redirect 1000’s of potential clients to them who are in need for help and are seeking for help, if i were caster, what else could i ask for. your doing a good job. keep it up!

  65. harris Said:

    Fair enough. your right LGO.. now based on this information you provided in answering moses concern and mine and i am pretty much everyones who has gotten spells casted in the past one month, perhaps love spells, i was discussing with him, does it mean that the transit etc applies to a particular caster or relgion, like voodoo based practioners can do it , wiccans cant or i am sure you get my point. Or period, any spells in this period is null and void. or if casted during this period, the spell will start having its effects after i believe 27th june is when the period gets over. I request some of the casters to please come foward and clear this out. I am surprised some of the casters havnt clarified this in faqs or email swaps, this might be perhaps because it doesnt concern there way of practicing magick. Please help!

  66. harris Said:

    alright then haha. i did my own research and found out how it can have an effect on love spells 🙂 thanks casters.

    • kit kat Said:

      Harris : what website did you goto to find your research on how it has an effect on lovespells?

  67. S Said:

    Are there any spell casters in adelaide or in Australia?

  68. Ly Said:

    I’m thinking about trying hector for a love spell. Have you heard many good things about him? If not, who shall I try for a love spell that works.

    • lordgameover Said:

      LY, I have heard very good things about Hector. In addition some people got results while others didn’t. He is a little expensive and you must be very patient, have faith and do exactly as he tells you.

  69. deila Said:

    I found your site from another forum on scammers. I too have been scammed. I noticed that you and Karyn were pretty upfront about this. I got infor from Karyn or Ty Germain on a good caster. But after I paid, I haven’t got an email back from either of them. I am a bit worried, although its only been a day.

    • lordgameover Said:

      Deila, what caster did you use? I can share feed back from others as far as any issues with communication. Email me at lordgameover@rocketmail.com. I have not been checking emails daily due to my busy schedule.

  70. kit kat Said:

    Hey just wondering if hougan emmanuel is a scam caster or not?? His website is realvoodoo.com
    Also wondering if this a scam website http://www.palomayombe.net/index2.html ??

    • lordgameover Said:

      Kit Kat, I ordered spells from him a few months back. I did get movement, however it was shor lived. I emailed him several times as he stated he will work with his clients until satisfied but he did not respond. To me that makes him a bad caster! Grabs the money do the work and then he ignores his clients.

  71. kit kat Said:

    Hey LGO,

    Are these sites scam or legit?


    the james duvalier guy actually has really cheap spells. but don’t know if there is a catch???

    • lordgameover Said:

      Kit Kat…yes to all. I am very familiar with james duvallier..huge scam artist.

      • kit kat Said:

        thanks for letting me know lgo

  72. Maya Said:

    Hello LGO, have you aware about what Robin did to me ?

    Answer: Yes it was brough to my attention. Not very good what she did at all.

  73. nathan7707 Said:

    Is this blog still ongoing? Why aren’t there anymore post from anyone??

    Answer: I took a break but i’ll stay on top of things. I have to make sure the scammers don’t post here so I have to approve all the comments. Lots of spam.

  74. mia Said:

    hi, do u think she is real?

    • bittersweet Said:

      to be honest i think she is real also sister angel rose

      • mia Said:

        i see, i hope she will help me. right now, i am working hard to money for her spell. btw, thank you..

  75. curious Said:

    Anybody used the blackmagicvoodoospells? The site looks like a scam. The man doesn’t offer any reading services or anything.

  76. Jamie Said:

    hi, is Amayla and Izabael Dajinn, legit? Thanks

    ANSWER: A few months ago wen I placed them on my real spell casters list they were. I have not had any negative reports about either of them thus far.

  77. deila Said:

    has anyone had work done by papa hector salva? Here is his website.


    I had a reading/consultation done by him and he was pretty dead on without me having to say much…which makes me have some faith on this guy… but he is VERY pricey when it comes to his spells…

    I was wondering if ANYONE out there has any work done by him and how were the results…?

    ANSWER: I have come across several people who have had work done by Hector. Only two came back to report they got results. The last guy that reported results a few months back said it too about 9months. Most people do not come back to report good results just when nothing happens.

    • mia Said:

      I don’t know, but i have bad feeling.
      Anyone want to answer my question about this seller? http://www.powerfulsanteriaspells.com

      ANSWER:I have come across that site before and decided not to investigate. Something was not right but I can’t recall what.

      • mia Said:

        What do u mean? It is not good sign about her?

  78. jamiebeth Said:

    LGO, Did anyone worked with Sr.Angel Rose? do anyone have any success stories with her?
    And Also Deacon Millet? pls share if you have any success stories..

    ANSWER: Yes, and not too long ago someone reported getting movement from her work. I posted the information here. As for Deacon Millet, I used him in 2008…no results, all I know is they are real and will do the work you pay for. I am not really interested in trcking results. If a person reports results or failure I will report it here. Most people who get results do not bother to come back and share unfortunately.

  79. bittersweet Said:

    she did not have an issue with me she answered all of my e-mails fast

  80. bittersweet Said:

    and why did you say that alizone is a scam and what blog does she have that says watch out for spellcasters believe it or not i actually felt effects when she did some work for me have not seen results yet because it was just recently done what spells did you get from her if you dont mind me asking

    Answer: Below is a post that I found at the following link. So you are all aware people will report a caster as being a fraud if they don’t get what they want. No a reason to call a person a fraud. The bottom line is if they do the work they are not a fraud. What everyone needs to do is find out how experienced the caster is. How many complaints they have….a simple google shearch can return a lot of information if the caster has been doing business on line for a while.


    Posted 04/18/10 at 10:23 PM



    These are spell casters that I would definitely not recommend. Some of them guarantee recasts or money back but NONE have complied:












    (That’s not to say these spell casters are complete fraud. I just, personally, had a bad experience with them.)

  81. moses Said:

    hi lgo

    i will like to know what happened to the work of Nilcole lasher did it help you?

    Answer: I am not sure who that is. I do not recall testing that individual. Maybe someone reported that they used her. I normally go through emails to see what was reported, howver as I am not actively taking a close look at casters any longer I cannot answer that question accurately.

  82. bittersweet Said:

    ok if that is so true why can i load that website spell forum cant find it is there another site or something i believe i have to see that site for myself to see that alizone is a scam i really didnt see nothing but one report on her just because a spellcaster have one bad report does not mean that they are a scam some people are just too inpatient to wait to see the effects take place sometimes it can take a while and they dont have enough belief

  83. moses Said:

    any one knows if he is geniune ? simon warlock of warlock666.com

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